greeting . alu2an~

greeting . alu2an~

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Monday, December 21, 2009

wayang 4 relaxiOn

da lame rase nye aku tak pergi tengok wayang. hari ini with my sis, angah and her friends, ika. but just me enjoy 4 watching. bOth them just want to 'karaOke' - karaoke 4 life. aku bkn pe malas la nak jerit2 pastu smpi pukul 1630 lak. cam tak lame rase nye. i just want some best and relax my mind. while im waiting, i sit depan cinema, came a mOther and her sOn, " adik, tgk ninja assassin, cte pedang2. cing, cing (sOund) " kte mak nye. then anak taknak, nak tengok santau. kelakar lak rase, bergaduh mulut - cerita ape? tapi budak kecik tengok santau - mesti budak ni tahu cerite sikit2 pasal santau. ok ape, ilmu 2 tak kire besaq ke kecik. ape pun aku tak tengok lagi, so tak tahu la camne.tunggu dan lihat.

2 hOurs later..

: boleh la~~ thats all my cOmment. thanks n night~~
salam =)

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